Myco4Food ApS (M4F) is a biotech spinout company from Aalborg University (AAU) established in 2022 and based on many years of research and experience with fungal fermentation and the use of plant bioresources as substrate.
Our goal is to develop a unique bioreactor system for the automation and scaling of Solid State Fermentation (SSF), which, through automatic control for management using sensors, Machine Learning and AI, enables us to upcycle a wide range of organic residues, to produce the protein-containing food ingredients and foods of the future (edible microfungi) in a sustainable way.
M4F has developed a SSF process in one particular substrate (fungal fermentation of mash from beer production that is converted into a food ingredient) at laboratory scale and in 200-300 L bioreactors. We are now ready to scale further up to 3,000 L and beyond. The bioreactor has been designed but must be further developed with AI technology and thereby adapted to different fermentation processes in collaboration with customers. M4F collects large amounts of data from the fermentations, which can form the basis for automatic training of the bioreactor using AI technology and thereby adapt and optimize the bioreactors to customer needs.
Solid State Fermentation (SSF) of foods with edible microfungi is a known technology that can be done on a small scale with manual handling. However, there is no equipment on the market that can be used for automation and scaling of SSF.
M4F aims to provide cost-effective fermentation technology for the upcycling of solid residues from the food and agricultural industries and to find new sustainable ways to produce the proteins of the future. The result is protein ingredients that match animal-based protein in taste, nutrition, and cost. M4F’s solution therefore fits well with the EU’s objectives in the area of food on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions using new operating methods and on promoting sustainable development and efficient management of natural resources.
An experienced team with a common goal

Peter Lübeck Stephensen
Co-founder & CEO. Primary responsibilities: team leading, setting and executing company strategy and IP.
MSc in Biochemistry, Ph.D. in Fungal Molecular Biology. Expert in biorefinery concepts and fungal biotechnology.
Phone number:+45 30530209

Jesper Schierbeck-Hansen
Co-Founder, CFO & Chairman of the board. Primary responsibilities are financial and commercial aspects of the business.
Cand. Oecon from the University of Aarhus. From the onset of my carrier I have worked as Finance and strategy manager in Novo Nordisk, VP in Coloplast Japan, and Group Managing Director for the Stibo Group. For the past 20 years, I have worked as an Entrepreneur and Investor for a range of high-tech startups within the field of Sustainability, Med-tech, and Biotechnology.

Lei Yang
CSO. Primary responsibilities are scientific development & research management.
Ph.D. in fungal molecular biology. Am an enthusiastic researcher with expertise in the development of microbial biotechnology and experience in fungal fermentation and strain engineering. Believe that Myco4Food´s innovative solution can produce high-quality fungal-based protein for our society in a more sustainable and healthy way.

Mette Lübeck
Co-founder & board member. Primary responsibilities: partnerships, collaboration with academia & fund raising.
MSc in Agronomy, Ph.D. in Fungal Molecular Biology. Expert in biorefinery concepts, fungal biotechnology and fund raising.
Phone number:+45 24470418

Morten Lindblad
Active investor and Chairman of the board.
Cand. Oecon from the Aalborg University. I have founded, funded, bort and sold companies for the most of my life.
See some of the other investments at
Phone number:: +45 61655548